
Hello & Welcome!

I am Connie, although also known as Dr. Tate, Ms. Tate, Mrs. Tate, Constance, Mom, sometimes Moooother, (usually when my response is not what my daughters were hoping for) Omie, (best-ever variation of grandma) and several decades ago, (between the ages of two and five), Janie. 

Just as in the beautifully illustrated children’s book, Miss Rumphius, our names change over the course of our lives. And if we are fortunate our pursuits change as well.  I believe Joseph Campbell expressed this sentiment as, “follow your bliss.” Although, my grandson, Tate, at the age of three heard it as, “follow your blister,” which is, in my opinion absolutely brilliant! 

Rattling around in my head are stories of pets, mischief, and the everyday experiences of young children who brighten the days of adults and hold the promise of a kinder world tomorrow.  So, my current bliss is rummaging through my memory files, taking pen in hand and writing the stories that emerged from marriage, raising children, teaching school, especially those years spent with first graders at Crowell Elementary in Room 27.

Roll on … Connie
  • 50

    Unforgettable years married to Mick

  • 3

    Dauntless Daughters

  • 11

    Gritty Grandchildren

  • 42

    Enlightening Years in Education

A lifetime frolicking with letters, words, sentences & sharing the magic of what happens when you read.

  • Became an Elementary Teacher

    @ 25

  • Earned Reading Specialist Credential

    @ 38

  • Earned a Masters in Curriculum & Instruction

    @ 44

  • Earned Administrative Credential

    @ 53

  • Earned Doctorate in Educational Leadership

    @ 60

  • Became a Children's Author

    @ 65

Time stands still best in moments that look suspiciously like ordinary life.
— Brian Andreas